Sunday, January 20, 2008


Its so amazing when you see how far God has brought you. I remember when I thought God was only found in church and that me alone could never have a personal relationship with him. When 1st becoming saved I believed this walk was going to be so pleasant and nothing was going to bother me...Boy was I wrong.It seemed as if everything went wrong after the day I decided to walk with Christ. Recently at Church I learned if I wanna be chilling with Christ in Heaven I would have to suffer like him. Like Romans 8:17 says"Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."But of course Its so easy for me to say that now because the storm is over and God's joy is all over me... But Ive come to realize that although I wish Gods Joy were to be on me all the time, it wouldn't work out for my growth. Its kind of like the growth of a rose if the sun were to shine on it all the time it would burn up and die.There has to be rainy days for this rose to grow.If not the rose wouldn't appreciate the sun for shinning at all. I'm that rose and God is the sun...when I'm going through dark days it allows me to appreciate God for all his grace, and care. Just like that rose would do to the sun, I would take Gods love and joy for granted If I didn't have these storms to prove how amazing he is.I know its so hard to think about God when I am going through a storm...but without them I would still be the same naive 18 year old who only thought I could reach God in a pulpit. Instead of a now 20 year old who's building a personal relationship with God...Growth..its amazing.

1 comment:

LiSAMACkin said...

that's deep and beautiful.